AI content: Is it helpful or spam?

2 min readJan 23, 2023


Tons of such writers, chatbots, and similar tools are available online these days. and most other search engines do not like content generated using such tools.

Are AI Writers Bane or Boon?

This is something we are about to discuss in this post. We will discuss the following things about it for this reason:

Let us talk about these things one by one.

What does Google say about it?

Google will always consider it spam. Such content will not be considered valuable for readers.

It is because such content is merely a collection of synonyms, antonyms, or a couple of words spun. Your target audience is not likely to get the value of their time and search efforts.

Google considers this type of content spam for this reason.

Does Google Adsense accept artificially generated content?

You have asked another million-dollar question. What is more important is that we have the answer for you. Websites having artificially generated content are not considered eligible for Google AdSense.

Is Such Content Good For SEO?

for business growth on the digital front.

Why does Google consider it Spam?

Global online search leader spams it for various reasons. Such as…

  • is similar to the content produced using content spinners.
  • Secondly, such content is produced using tools and technologies. In other words, tools are tools and technology is technology. None of these can be good enough to understand the content consumption needs of your target audience.
  • Even the quality of such content is usually terrible.
  • More importantly, automatically produced content is mostly gibberish and meaningless for your readers.
  • Only a human writer can understand the psychology of your target audience and produce meaningful content accordingly.

Wrapping Up!

All in all, humans have created technology and tools. Their output cannot be better than the output of humans for this reason.

It may not be a good idea from the SEO perspective. But you can still try it once if you do not believe us.

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Originally published at on January 23, 2023.




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